Sublime Soul Surrender

Business From the Place of Flow-Coming Into Ourselves

Cosmos,MD Season 7 Episode 3

In this 3rd episode of Season 7, Cosmos MD (cos/they) has a conversation with a beloved returning guest, Katie (she/her), about the relationship we have to business from the aspect of energy. 

We live in an exciting time where people are wanting a different experience when it comes to entrepreneurship.  Traditionally, he expectations of someone engaging in any business have been that it's meant to be a struggle, that feeling depleted is normal and we all have to do the same thing, as multiple hamsters in multiple wheels. 

Guess what?  It doesn't!

In this episode we get into the depths of the balance of flow and structure , creating new possibilities for the experience of work. 

We also redefine terms that have been given to energy,  taking away gendered language.  Feminine Energy=FLOW and Masculine Energy=STRUCTURE.  Why do we have to gender everything?

Katie, a priestess of the divine feminine (FLOW) and Guide, is a steward of Spirit Remedies-a spiritual, empowerment business. She allows Spirit and the essence of the business to direct her and through this process has been initiated to the divine feminine ways of birthing and stewarding businesses. She feels called to help support others as they too are being guided into these ways.

Thank you for being here, listening and please, rate, subscribe, comment, follow and share this podcast with all you know!

Contacts for Katie:

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Musical Credits-Masala King (intro and exit music-"Light")
SoundCloud-Masala King
Twitch-The Masala King

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